30 Desember 2010

Only Distance Is Between Us

As the days go by,
The sun sets and dies,
And the only light I have,
Is the imagine of you,
That lies in my eyes,
Of the memories I find,
That are deep in my mind,
That will never be lost,
No matter what the cost,
Distance is our enemy,
That stands between us,
But we will not fall,
For our love is too strong,
It has been said, that the distance,
Will never work out,
But who are they to judge,
The love in our hearts,
For we will conquer,
All the oppositions,
For they are the darkness,
As the sun sets and dies,
But you,
Are my light,
And with you in my mind,
I'll never be blind.

3-01-10. schoolday t(#^#t)

males masuk, masuk males.

mau terus libur. mau libur terus. terus mau libur. terus libur mau. libur mau terus. libur terus mau.

Let Me Love You

Let me be your sun
I will shine when day is done
Let me be the one.
Love for you I cannot hide
And a lake of tears I've cried.

Was love but a dream
With a passion so extreme?
Fairytales are dreams!
I need you here, you need me
This is our reality.

Rapture fills the air
When I see you standing there
Smiling ~ debonair.
Come home to me, always stay
Music sweet will charm each day.

Pain will float away
And we'll dance to love's refrain
Danube Waltz again.
Red parasol will unfold
Two "gentle doves" to behold.

... So ...

Let me be your sun
I will shine when day is done
Let me be the one.
Love for you I cannot hide
And a lake of tears I've cried.


As I recall the memory of your face
My thoughts begin to peak
Into many splendid rememberings
Of beauty and grace unique

In you I found something special
For me its very true
I can't explain the hows and whys
But I know they are all in you

I also know for me you're the one
In spirit, body and soul
Forever, whenever, wherever you be
You are the half of my whole

So bring together the two halves now
Quickly, won't you my dear
The half of you and the half of me
So that we can revere

As I recall the memory of your face
Of eyes and nose and lips
And gleaming smiles that so beguile
With lines I long to trace

Rememberings, for now I see
Till next with you I be
To hug and hold and kiss and love
My dearest and sweetest honey.

20 Desember 2010

not temporary again, but permanently............to love you

17 Desember 2010

between closer or further

gw bingung nyampe titik klimaksnya,banget pake b. yang harus gw lakukan

- gw harus bisa membuktikan ke lo kalau gw sesuai dengan omongan lo, setia sampe kapanpun. dimanapun. karena pas gw mulai suka sama lo gw sudah bersumpah ke beberapa temen gw ga akan pernah pindah ke siapapun

tapi masalahnya

- lo masih menganggap gw omdo
- lo masih mengungkit2 masa lalu gw yg kelam
- lo masih gapercaya sama gue

emang sih masa lalu gue kayak gitu. dan gw tau itu tuh kayak anjing banget, gw pun jg gamau diungkit2 lagi. dan gw tau lo juga gasuka kan, so gw mencoba lembaran baru

tinggal lo kasitau aja ke gw apasih yg kurang dari gw, toh gw akan mengikuti semua kemauan lo. kacamata, rambut, muka gue, itu udah gw lakukan demi lo, tinggal lo bilang gw kurangnya apa. thats it, jangan ragu bel, jangan takut plisssss

so plis, lo ga akan menyesal. thx buat ngertiin gue